OCT 2021 – Webinar
Understanding and Capitalizing on the Buy Indian Act
Thursday, October 29th, from 11am – 12pm (MST)
Our Team is honored to invite Ms. Kay Bills, President of Strategic Native American Partnerships, LLC to share her in-depth knowledge of the Buy Indian Act Program. The presentation will also focus on the following items:
- History of the Buy Indian Act
- Agencies who use the Buy Indian Act
- Eligibility and Set-A-Side Determination
- New Legislation / Outreach Requirements
- and Much More !!
We will also be discussing our upcoming Collaborative Matchmaking Event where your company / organization will be able to meet with buyers for 15-minute virtual meetings. Click on the link below to Register and to receive more information on our speaker and a description on FWD Project October Webinar.
OCT 2021 – Webinar
Greetings and Welcome!
Registration Opening September 8th!
Join Us!
The Four Winds Diversified (FWD) Project in partnership with Data Management of New Mexico are excited to announce our 1st Annual Collaborative Virtual Matchmaker Event scheduled for Thursday, October 21st, 2021 from 9am – 2pm (MST).
The FWD Project Team are honored to join forces and collaborate with the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) PTAC and MyBusinessMatches.com to host our 2021 Matchmaking event Virtually, which will bring together Native American and Minority small businesses from New Mexico and across the Nation to meet with local, state and Federal Agencies as well as commercial and large private industry contractors and primes.